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2024 ZUL Jewel Scholarships: Applying JustGot Easier with Online Submissions!

In our ongoing commitment to accessibility and convenience, Zeta Upsilon Lambda Chapter (ZUL) is excited to introduce a new feature for our esteemed Jewel Scholarship applications. Starting in the year 2024, we're thrilled to announce that applicants will have the option to complete and submit their scholarship applications online through Google Forms. This innovative update aims to streamline the application process,

making it easier than ever for our talented and aspiring students to apply for these life-changing scholarships. Here's a snapshot of our timeline for the upcoming application cycle:

Application Opening: Get ready to start submitting your

applications on January 22, 2024.

Submission Deadline: Mark your calendars for April 5, 2024,

which gives us two weeks to carefully evaluate each application.

Winners Announcement: The moment of anticipation ends on

April 22, 2024, when we proudly announce the well-deserving

recipients of the Jewel Scholarships.

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