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November 7, 2023 Election Quickly Approaches

September 17, 2023 was National Voter Registration Day. In keeping with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Voteless People are a Hopeless People Initiatives, we've provided the links below for the National Voter Registration Day for Fairfax and Loudoun Counties in Virginia. 

As a Fraternity, we remain agnostic with regard to individual candidates, political parties and issues. However, our goal has been to ensure voter registration and people showing up to vote.  We believe in safe and secure elections and encourage people who can vote to do so early.  We encourage the elderly, military service members at duty stations away from the home of record, and college students away from home to register for absentee voting.  We are providing links for absentee voting which are provided below.  Please forward and/or post to your social media accounts and encourage as many people as you know who are eligible to vote to please do so. Thank you.

Kevin Manuel-Scott, 

Chair of Voteless People are a Hopeless People Initiative, Zeta Upsilon Lambda Chapter, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Absentee (Mail) Voting Registration Fairfax County Virginia:

Absentee (Mail) 

Voting Registration Loudoun County Virginia:

Election Day is November 7, 2023 and the following message has been shared with over 4200 people whose children in both Fairfax and Loudoun County have children who recently graduated high school and will be at least 18 by election day.  The message was intended to encourage parents to take an active role in helping their young adult get registered for absentee voting while away at school. 

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